Project KidSight
Project KidSight USA (Digital Spot Screener)
Research shows that approximately one out of every 20 children between the ages of 6 months and five years has a serious eye disorder. Unless vision problems are detected early and corrected, they risk becoming permanent by age 7. Yet most children in this age group either never had their vision checked or they’ve been tested with a method that often fails to detect some serious eye problems. By the time children either enter school or do have their eyes tested it may be harder and costlier to provide effective treatment.
According to educational experts, 80% of learning is visual. So if a child cannot see well, he cannot learn well. Thus our mission is to ensure eye screening and follow-up care is given to all kids because every child deserves to learn and see the world clearly.
Our portable high-tech vision screening devices are programmed to quickly (1 second) and accurately (90%) identify causes of vision loss without causing stress to the child. Our cameras produce a binocular image of a child’s eyes to develop a preliminary determination of the presence of eye disorders.
Not all types of vision problems can be detected through vision screenings and vision screenings are not substitutes for eye exams by eye care specialists. However, some of the vision disorders that can be detected through Project KidSight vision screenings include:
Anisometropia (Unequal Visual Clarity), Gaze (Fixed/Cross Eyes-Not tracking), Anisocoria (Pupil Size Differences), Hyperopia (Far-sightedness), Astigmatism (Refractive Abnormality) Myopia (Near-sightedness), Corneal Reflex (Blinking) Strabismus (Eye Misalignment)
To learn more about setting up a vision screening or to learn to become a screener please contact one of the Project Kidsight Co-chairs listed below:
Lion Rose Potvin
P.O. Box 12
Bark River, Mi 49807
31807 E. Tourist Rd.
Drummond Island, Mi 49726
Electronic Forms:
Kidsight Volunteer Liability Release Form
Kidsight Volunteer Applicaton & Background Check Form
Downloadable Forms:
Project Kid Sight Reimbursement Form
PKS – School-Early Learning Agency Participation List
PKS – School- Early learning Agency Auth Form
Kidsight USA Prescreening flyer
PKS – Eye Doctor-Referred Child Report Form
Vision Screening Information Form
Please visit (more items to come)

Project KidSight Events
Project KidSight SCHEDULED events can now be viewed at the SD10 website. Simply look under Projects, Project KidSight and scroll down to just before the downloadable forms. Click on the month you are looking to schedule the event in.
Is there not a calendar posted for that month yet? Then you’re in luck! No one has booked an event that month yet! The calendars posted show scheduled events. “T” next to the event indicates that the trailer has been requested. “C” next to the event indicates just a camera has been requested. We do have 3 cameras, so more than one event can be scheduled on each day.
So, regardless of which Project KidSight Coordinator you are working with to set up an event, once you have the date set please email or call Lion Peggy Lindeman with the date and whether you are requesting the camera or trailer so she can get it on the calendar and posted on the website. If the event gets canceled, postponed or rescheduled- again email or call Lion Peggy so she can update the calendars.
Thank you all for your help and looking forward to helping all of you help the kids in our District by setting up PKS vision screens!
Lion Peggy Lindeman
906-458-4328 or 906-346-6360
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