Single District 10 Lions
Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s a beautiful thing – and an incredible feeling for everyone involved.
That’s Lions.

Negaunee Lions Club:
Teal Lake Melt-Down 2025 > more information
District 10 Lions All State Band Raffle
click here for more information
April 19, 2025
Chocolay Lions Easter Egg Hunt
> more information
May 2 – 4, 2025
Single District 10 Lions Convention
> click here to download registration packet
May 4, 2025
Negaunee Lions Club: Pancake Breakfast May 3rd at Lakeview Elementary School from 8am to 1pm Tickets are $10 single $30 Family from any Negaunee Lions Member. Tickets will be also available at the door.

March 2025
District 10 Lions,
Spring is in the air! With the month of March, comes the advent of SPRING. We turn the clocks forward again and enjoy more of the daylight in our beautiful U.P. evenings.
Spring also is a time when we continue to plan for our summer events as Lions clubs and work to ensure their success.
With the month of March also comes some responsibilities for Lions Clubs to prepare for the next Lions year, beginning July 1st, which will be here before we know it. Part of those duties is to begin the process in your club of nominating your club leadership for the next year. March is the best time to have your club nominations so that you can have your election of officers in April. Lions International requires you to have your club elections completed by the end of April in an effort to make the necessary changes at your club level, but also at the district level so that we can prepare the new roster book with all the club officers for the next year. Our next District Governor will be greatly appreciative if all clubs get this completed on time.
We also need to continue our preparations for the District 10 Convention, which will be held at the Island Resort & Casino, May 2-4, 2025. All club presidents and secretaries have been sent the convention registration packet. It is imperative that we have those returned to us by April 1st in order to properly prepare meals for the convention staff at the Island Resort. Be sure to discuss the convention at your March club meetings. The Bark River Lions Club is the host of this year’s convention. You can also find the convention documents and information on the district website, We look forward to having a great convention with opportunities for fellowship and educational programs for everyone to take part in. A silent auction will also be part of the convention Friday night being organized by the Delta Menominee Heart of the North Lions Club.
We are still accepting nominations for the position of Second Vice District Governor. We encourage anyone eligible to consider the wonderful opportunity to serve the district and be enlightened to the larger world of Lionism in the State of Michigan and at the international level. I can say with confidence that you won’t regret the opportunity.
Let us continue the good work that we have accomplished over the last 8 months and work together to prepare for a spring and summer filled with service to those in need in our communities.
Scott Kwarciany
District Governor

SD10 Newsletter for March 2025 is now available

Reminder: Lions Virtual Fun & Learning March/April 2025
March 17, 2025
> click to register
Unlock Joy: Volunteer as a Puppy Raiser!
> click to view
Your February LCIF News
> click to view
Preparing for your district and multiple district conventions
> more information
February District Digest
> more information
Bay Cliff Health Camp
New emergency phone number:
SD10 Newsletter Subscription

Lions Club International New Member Orientation Video
Access More Great Learning
More than 150 videos made by Lions for Lions on topics ranging from membership, inspiration, leadership & more. While you are there, subscribe to the Lions Virtual YouTube Channel for free to be notified of new content.
> Lions Virtual YouTube Channel
Share, Learn & Network
Join the conversation with 15,000+Lions from across the globe on the Global Lions Forum Facebook group. This Lion-led group provides an opportunity to ask questions, weigh in on interesting topics, join a learning session & more.
> Global Lions Forum (GLF) on Facebook

The Tour Da Yoop, Eh News
We’re excited to partner with Goodwill Industries for the Tour Da Yoop, Eh Round Up for Childhood Cancer! Visit any of their five locations in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin to donate, shop, and round up your purchase to support the TDY bicycle event for childhood cancer. This is a fantastic opportunity to make a positive impact while supporting our local community.
Goodwill Industries is a nonprofit with locations nationwide, and by participating, you’ll help further their mission while making a difference in the lives of young cancer warriors. The four locations in the Upper Peninsula involved are: Marquette, Escanaba, Houghton, and Sault Ste. Marie, along with one location in Marinette, Wisconsin.
Thank you for your continued support. We can’t wait to see you all on the road for this incredible event and cause. Let’s make a difference together!
Best regards,
The Tour Da Yoop, Eh Team > more information
Health Fairs Wellness Events In Your Community
The District 10 Childhood Cancer Team plans to market our assistance programs to local community health and wellness fairs in 2024. If you know or hear of an event in your community or would like to plan your own event, please contact Lion Chris Smith, D-10 Childhood Cancer Chair at: or call 313-682-8900.
Important Notice to District 10 Lions,
Why Must We Report Club Service Hours?
Lions Clubs International is the largest humanitarian service organization in the world. We track every service hour served globally. To maintain this very important status, please report your club/ individual member service hours.
To make it easy, contact PDG Jim Svinicki, our District Service Chair and he will be happy to report your service hours on behalf of your club/ individual directly to Lions Clubs International. He will need:
Date of Service
Club or Individual Name:
Short Description of Service Project:
Number of Service Hours Reported:
Number of Club Lions/ Volunteers Preforming Service:
Contact Lion:
Every service hour makes a difference! Thank you!
James Svinicki
D10 Technology Grant Program The District 10 Lions announce a new grant program for District 10 Lions Clubs. The D10 Technology Grant Program is an opportunity for Lions Clubs in D10 to receive up to $500 in “matching” funds from D10 for the purpose of purchasing technology infrastructure to assist in their mission to serve the communities of District 10.
Click here to download grant program form (updated October 2022)
Membership Packets
As Global Membership Chair, I request packets from the International. When new members are posted on the International site, we print out certificates and letters from the Governor for both sponsor and new member. These are then mailed to the secretary or president of the club, and usually arrive within two days.
The packets also include information on Lions, a discount certificate from the Lions store, pins for both new member and sponsor, and a pen for the new member.
If you would like to receive the packets early, just email with the name of the new member, the name of the sponsor, and the date of the induction.
Global Membership Chair and PDG Bill Rowe
Please click below to fill out a survey to identify local people who are interested in creating community gardens, building a local food system, and working with Farm to School education. This will be followed up with a club visit and hopefully bring in local food champions for an open meeting to see how we can work with them to strengthen our local food education and food systems.

PS Lions worked together with UP Power Wrestling on a $500 a day give away in December 2024. We split the profits and were able to give them a check for $4500 to support their club. District Governor Scott Kwarciany was able to attend our Christmas party and present the check.
Shoe Sensation 301 N Lincoln Rd Escanaba
From November 1 to December 24, each store will be collecting socks for active-duty military or local veterans in or around the community. Shoe Sensation will have military-approved socks in each store and customers will receive 20% off the purchase of the donated pairs.
Bay de Noc Lions Club member Jeff Ware is working as coordinator of this initiative with the Shoe Sensation in Escanaba and assists each year to distribute the socks collected to a veteran or military location with a tie to this community.
Last year’s collection was delivered to Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas by the Gladstone American Legion commander Sandy Valdazate. Nellis Air Force Base was Sandy’s base prior to coming to Gladstone.
District 10 Lions – Shoe Sensations collect Socks for Troops in every location across the country. If you are not near Escanaba, please look for a store location near you and support this worthwhile project!
Additional details can also be found at the link below from the Escanaba Daily Press article Nov 5, 2024:
Shoe Sensation hosts Socks For Troops fundraiser
District Governor Scott Kwarciany visited with the Bark River-Harris Leo Club at the Parent Teacher Conference Bake Sale.
From left: Paige Erickson, Skylar Brayak, Alayna Johnson, DG Scott Kwarciany, Teigan Martorelli, Arianna Loonsfoot, Boris DeGrave and DJ Kwarciany.

Wells Lions Club
Wells Lions Club provides food for UPtoberfest – Those that attended UPtoberfest may have noticed a difference in the food. This year, the Wells Lions Club was approached by the event coordinators and were thrilled to participate. Shown are, from left to right, back row: Lions Doug Krusic, Bill Jensen, Scott Kwarciany, Kevin Gartland, and Roger Chenier. In the front row are John Gartland, Tom Schorn, Tom Skradski, and Troy Sebeck. (Article by Daily Press)
Rock Lions Club
Adopt a Highway service event held on 9/25. We had eight total members participate for 1.5 hours removing litter along the highway in Rock. Proud of our members!
Drummond Island Lions Club
The officers of the Drummond Island Lions club welcomed over 40 Lions to their 50 th anniversary celebration. DG Scott gave a very informative presentation.
Do you want to post and advertise your club projects, events, articles or photos from your past events and information here and now?!!
We encourage it!
Take advantage, be aware and utilize this service for your club to succeed in getting the word out for your event.
Email our SD10 webmaster now, at:
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